#H50 – And another blessed season begins!


And here we are again!  The start of another season Hawaii Five-0.  You know, I can’t help but think about interviews I saw with Alex back in the summer of 2010 as we were waiting for the premiere of this new, ambitious re-boot of the old favorite.  How interviewers would ask him if he thought this new version had staying power and how he, self-deprecating soul that he is,  would answer that, so far, he hadn’t had much success in getting a TV show past a first season, so we’d just have to wait and see if his luck would change.

Needless to say, his luck (driven by his extraordinary talent and the strength of this show) not only changed but exploded in a wave 😉 of good fortune that not only has propelled his career but his life as well.  A hit TV show going on to it’s 7th season, a beautiful home, an even more beautiful wife, wonderful children and an inner peace anyone can see just by looking at him.  Yes…. Alex has been blessed.  And isn’t it just wonderful that we’ve been able to tag along for the ride?

Yesterday, H50 held it’s annual start of the season Blessing.  It’s so great that they have continued this tradition since the very first season (when they actually had two blessings) and we’ve, again, been fortunate to be able to share it via social media.

Some random tidbits from the live feed provided by Billy V of Hawaii News Now:

  • The one bit of new, unexpected news we received is that there is going to be a new Governor in Season 7 and she will be played by Rosalind Chao. I’m a bit curious about this since Jerry read a get well card from “Governor Denning” to Steve when he was in the hospital.  Even if we’re picking up the story 4 months after the S6 finale and it’s past October, a new Governor, if elected in November wouldn’t take office until January.  I’m 100% positive we’re not picking up our story in January.  Maybe there was some reason why Denning couldn’t finish out his term and there was a interim election?  I’m not sure how it transpired that we have a new Governor but as far as that get well card goes, my guess is they used the term “Governor” when reading the card from Denning the same way we still call an ex-president “President Clinton” or “President Bush” even though they are not the President anymore.  Hopefully they’ll explain it on screen quickly. Regardless, I think it’s awesome that the new Governor is not only a woman but is also Asian. I loved Jean Smart as Jameson and adored Richard Jones as Denning but it’s about time the Governor of Hawaii was Asian!  For those of you who aren’t familiar with Rosalind Chao, here is her Imdb page:  http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001034/

Rosalind Chao

  • For those who can’t seem to remember that Scott pretty much always misses the Blessing… yes he wasn’t there.  Billy said, on air, that Scott wasn’t going to be needed for scenes on set for a few more days so he was flying back later.  It’s also little Josie’s second birthday on Saturday so it’s no surprise that Scott wouldn’t be back in Hawaii until next week.  I still think it’s fantastic that the production makes it possible for him to be home with his family for such important family events.
  • Scott may not have been there but Grace made it and so did Daniel. Billy didn’t get a chance to interview Daniel, he said he was needed on the set and had to run off quickly after the blessing, he did talk to Grace, as well as, obviously Alex.



  • Speaking of Alex…OMG… can that man get any more gorgeous!?!?  I’m really hoping, since Steve is just getting out of the hospital in the premiere, they allow Alex to keep the beard and the gray…just this once!  I mean, a near death experience would tend to age a person just a tad, no?


  • Grace was really funny. Billy was streaming everything on Facebook video and he had to take the time to explain to Grace what all the “little faces” and “thumbs up” meant on the screen. So adorable that she has no idea how Facebook works! LOL



  • Alex was adorable as always, talking about “eating his way across Europe” for a month with his family.  He looked well rested, relaxed and ready to tackle a new season, confirmed to be a 25 episode season by Peter later in the day.




  • Chi was also there, his booming voice and personality evident even when he wasn’t on the screen.  Billy didn’t get a chance to interview him but Chi did inject himself into the end of Alex’s interview in his normal crazy way.  Have I told you lately how much I adore that man?!?! LOL



  • They were filming a scene with the new Governor right on the beach while Billy was streaming. Couldn’t see what it was but he had to keep lowering his voice so he wouldn’t disturb the takes.
  • Dennis Chun was there, of course.  What would any official H50 event be without the always humble and wonderfully gracious Ambassador of Aloha?



  • Even though Billy didn’t get the chance to talk to them it was great to see Jorge, Sean and Teilor there for the Blessing.

Jorge, Teilor & Sean

All in all, it looked like everyone had a great time and really enjoyed being back together again.  And no grass grows in the sand under the feet of H50 production… they were off and filming their first scenes right off the bat on the beach.  I know I am not alone in knowing that this season is going to be another fantastic one full of everything we love about our show.  I can’t wait to see what wonders they have in store for us this year.

I hope everyone has a great rest of the summer as we all look forward to the dog days and the approaching premiere.  I only wish I could get to Sunset on the Beach again this year but with the new house and all, it’s not a possibility for me this year I’m afraid.  But that’s ok.  This is Five-0.  Nothing but optimism here! 🙂

A note about pictures:  Only a couple of the screen caps above are mine.  Some of these pictures are from Billy V’s Facebook Live videos, some are from CBS and some are from any number of wonderful people who posted them on Twitter.  If you see a picture that is yours above, do not hesitate to tell me and I will edit the blog to include your credit.  I just didn’t have time to note the credit on every single picture I saved as I blew through Twitter last night on a saving frenzy! LOL

Also, the videos below are also, obviously not mine, but the credit for them is attached on YouTube. Mahalo to everyone who took the time to post them so we can all enjoy them over and over again.

Mahalo and Aloha. Malamo Pono



Alex O’Loughlin for Billy V on Facebook Live









16 thoughts on “#H50 – And another blessed season begins!

    • Oh….that’s right. I did hear Billy say she was there. I totally forgot! It was so wonderful she was there. Jimmy was such an important part of the Five-0 legacy both past and present. I’m so glad he was included through Vicki. Thanks for the reminder!


    • Awesome! I’m so happy you could see some of it here. But, don’t stop here. Check out all over Twitter and YouTube. There are lots of videos out there to watch. Check out Billy V’s Facebook page. I think he has over an hour of what he streamed posted there.


  1. Lynnette says:

    Thanks, Linda! Nice to have all those interviews together in one place. Sure hope there are. A ton of BTS pics coming out now that they are back to filming. I hate to push summer along, since winter is usually brutal here, but can Sept. 24th hurry it up a bit?


  2. Helma says:

    Thanks Linda. Happy they start filming again and happy for the blessing and that they all had a good hiatus. Hope Scott is having a good private time with his family too. Appreciated your review a lot. Until later😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks! I’m sure Scott is having a wonderful time and with Josie turning two this weekend I’m sure he’s beyond thrilled. He, like the others, will return when he’s needed fully refreshed, happy and ready to tackle a new season! 🙂


  3. Lynnette says:

    Thanks, Linda, so nice to have all these blessing videos in one spot. Billy V is my favorite H50 reporter/interviewer! Obviously the cast feels very comfortable around him and it shows! Hate to hurry summer along, but I’m ready for Sept. 24th.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah Billy is awesome. He handles it all with just the right amount of enthusiasm without blubbering all over the actors like his predecessor did. Granted, if I were in her shoes I’d probably be worse but then, I am not a professional journalist. Sometimes she was a bit uncomfortable to watch. And, you’re right. The entire cast seems completely comfortable around him and able to just enjoy the moment and have fun.

      Oh….. I’ll hurry summer along for your just a teeny little bit. The premiere is on the 23rd not the 24th. There ya go. Shaved an entire day off for ya there bella! ♥

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Loved the blessing and your writing on it. Yes Alex is looking good and I’m thinking he is going to leave the beard on, since its hard to shave in a hospital. It is nicely groomed.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m sure he’ll be back to his usual shaved/scruff once he’s back on duty but it only seems logical that he’d have the beard while in the hospital. But who knows? I’m just very partial to the gray and the only way I’ll get to see it is if they let him keep the beard. God knows they won’t let the gray at the sides show up more than a hair or two! LOL


  5. Susan Schoppe says:

    OMG, girl I love the artical, it was right on target & I agreed with everything. I’m still holding out hope against hope though, (with my silly self) that when Cathrine returns that Steve will get to tell her he just can’t trust her any more & can’t be with her. ( I’ll make popcorn to watch that on) I am so interested to see how they introduce a new Governor, and why there is a new one to begin with, where did Danning go? Anyway thanks for the read, always enjoy everyone of yours !

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m hoping for the same thing where Catherine is concerned but we’re gonna get what we’re gonna get so I’ll make the best of it, no matter what. I will be disappointed if he just welcomes her back with open arms though. I really hope they explain what happened to Denning too. I don’t need a long drawn out scene, just a quick line or two to tell us what happened to him. I really liked him and hate the idea that he’s just gone as if he never existed.


  6. Carole says:

    Thanks for putting this together Linda. I was able to watch for while but had to get back to work. Lots of great coverage this year. The Ohana will be complete once Scott gets there – hopefully a sighting early next week.


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